Tuesday, January 27, 2009


spt (self portrait tuesday)

tuesday, january 27th i resolve to take more self portraits doing everyday things that i love + with people that i love

our christmas present that we finally got, setup and are enjoying... a lot!

i love this idea!

we have enjoyed documenting the big events of our lives this last year on the blog but i want to remember the little everyday things as well... i am adapting this challenge so we can remember the things that chris + i are doing at this stage in our lives.

Friday, January 23, 2009


We were in Utah this last weekend from Friday to Tuesday; five days but we were able to cram a lot into those few days. We went for Grandpa Paul's funeral which was so nice and beautiful. It was great to see family and reconnect.
Cami, Chris, Rob and Katie sang How great thou art. It was so sweet and the kids spoke along with a few others. A very nice service.

Rob, Grandma Jean, Chris

Roy, Susan and Brad Packer

Cristian & Timmy

Aunt Katie-home from her mission a whole year now. Sammy & Elisa

Baby Mary

We tried to take family pictures since this was the first time in years we'd all been together. I think we got some good ones at least to record the family at this stage in every one's life.

So we flew into SLC and then rode up with Katie to Logan for the funeral on Saturday. There were many events in between getting from Rochester to Logan and through the funeral. When it finally worked out we had a great time swimming in the pool with the kids, eating lots of pizza, reminiscing about the good old days, hearing lots of stories of ancestors and remembering family.

After the Packer time my parents picked us up and we went to Kaysville to spend time with Gloria, Millers and the Faerber Family..

Monday we went shopping at the Gateway and spent like two hours at anthropologie. So fun!! I am totally obsessed but glad that we only had cash to spend there. Ah!
Then we spent the rest of the day in SCL on temple square, the history museum, the tabernacle, talking to missionaries and then back to grandma's house for the traditional Faerber dinner, games and old family movies.

Chris & I were married five years ago at the SCL temple so it was so fun to walk around and remember that day...

well someone should have told me..

I want to blog about our trip home but there is so much to write so I am slowing finding time to complete it.
In the mean time....Thursday I had a meeting with the Stake Council and I just happen to see it on the calendar but had not written it into my own so I quickly got ready and headed over to the church being just a few minutes late. The door was open and I just marched right in and found an empty seat. There were only a few people there but they were all people I know well. They had already began so I just listened to try and catch up. Someone mumbled a hello and on the meeting went. The conversation began with canning, food storage and then the bishops store house and then moved on to the addiction recovery program. Great items but a little strange for the council to talk about. Anyway, they finished all the items on the agenda and we began to wrap up. I thought ok! Strange but I guess I did not add anything to the agenda ahead of time so we would not have items to talk about anyway. Then President Hutchings looked to me and asked "Lisa, what are you doing here anyway?"
What? Ok first thought...we have a stake council meeting scheduled so I should be here and I know I checked the time. Second, then if I was wrong why did no one tell me otherwise. I sat for 45 minutes and no one even commented. "Lisa, this is the stake welfare meeting. Hey clueless we started ealier"..That would have been helpful. Instead no one said anything to me????
So I sat there the entire time wondering what we were talking about and then after the whole thing they tell me that the stake council meeting started at 7:00 and ended early because no one knew about it and the message was mixed up....Ah! At least I was not the only one that got mixed up we got several emails after when the notes went out that people did not know. But ah my goodness how silly. How embarrassing...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

farewell 2008

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

- Albert Einstein

What did you do in 2008 that you have never done before?
Took a quilting class, attended the 1st Faerber Family Reunion, spoke at Stake Conference with a visiting General Authority. We taught the chastity lesson at the GVB, Chris had to give me a monthly shot in the stomach, and taught a workshop on dating at a regional YSA conference. We survived our first youth conference. I got stuck in Chicago and spent the night by myself. Reconnected with old friends on Facebook.

Did you keep your new year’s resolution and will you make new ones?
Honestly, I am sure I had some new year’s resolutions last year but I couldn't tell you what they were. It was probably something about weight loss and something else related to service and church worship. I did not lose weight. I did work out much more often after we moved into our house. And we have had some great spiritual experiences.
I already wrote some New Year’s resolutions for this year! And have them posted to revisit them often.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Cami, Chris’ sister gave birth to her fifth child in April, little Mary. She is so beautiful. Our friends in Oregon had their second daughter Natalie. She too is just beautiful.

Did anyone close to you pass away?
Chris’s Grandpa Paul passed away on December 23rd.

What countries did you visit this year?
Canada…I think that is it. We did not travel much this year.

What would you like to have in 2009 that you did not have in 2008?
We would like to have a new camera and lenses. We want to be debt free!!! This is a big one since we pay almost a second mortgage every month simply paying on student loans. Dave Ramsey has some great principles that we follow. You should check him out.

What dates will remain etched upon your memory and why?
a) December 23rd
b) November just the month because it was a year since we started treatments and four years since we began this journey.
c) the Olympics
d) when President Hinckley passed away

What was your biggest personal achievement of the year?
I survived it..really it has been a difficult one.

What was your biggest failure?
1) I did not keep in better touch with family who is all over the US.
2) I allowed Satan power to make me feel like I am unqualified or not good enough. It is my nemesis and I am determined to not let him affect me like that this year.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
No I have had nothing too serious. Thank goodness.
Chris however, had surgery last January. He is usually the one to have the odd illnesses and injuries.

What was the best thing you bought?
My slippers. Chris bought them--I know, so cheap but just the thought of them makes me excited to come home.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
Chris. He has worked so hard at church, at work and at home to help me and keep me focused on what is important and good. He helps me to be better and pushes me to do good things.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Chris-no we had a good laugh about this one.
I was however disappointed in the presidential candidates. It was a big election year but I was not impressed.

Where did most of your money go?
The every day things; gas and food. Bills. I guess that is what will happen for a couple years after graduate school.

What did you get really, really excited about?
Our last minute trip to Niagara Falls with Krystal and Jared. Our Christmas trip to DC with Michelle and Richard. The possibilities ahead, we are hopeful for our future and all the things we want to do, can do and all that the Lord has in store for us. We are good at dreaming. Buying our house was really exciting. Decorating it and making it our own has been fun.

What song will always remind you of 2008?
Natasha Bedingfield's Unwritten was played at work a lot. We also listened to the music from Wicked quite a bit.

Compared to this time last year are you a) happier person or sadder b) thinner or fatter c) richer or poorer?
a) Happier-we have maintained a positive attitude and found a better balance with work, school and church.
b) Probably fatter-we had some really good food and enjoyed it all year instead of working out more.
c) We are as poor or as rich (however we choose to see it) as we were last year.

What do you wish you’d done more of?
Reading and studying the scriptures, going to the temple, we stopped working as ordinance workers a year ago March and I miss that more than anything; enjoying the every day little things and the everyday activities; cooking dinner with Chris, snuggling and talking and even work. I wish that I had been more forgiving, charitable and loving. I should have spent more time working out and enjoying the summer and the beautiful weather. I would like more faith to endure the things we have to and written more of my thoughts down and taken more pictures of the everyday things that we do.

What do you wish you’d less of?
Worrying--about the things that were out of my control and less time wishing it would change.

Did you fall in love in 2008?
My job—I look forward to going and am blessed because it is worthwhile and motivating. We truly help families and children in our community.

What was your favorite TV program?
Project Runway
The Amazing Race
We just got rid of cable so I think this next year will be different.

What was the best book you read?
I really learned a lot from a Leadership book given to me by my mother. But I probably enjoyed reading others like: A 1000 Splendid Suns, The Kite Runner, The Glass Castle, and The Total Money Makeover.

What did you want and get?
A treadmill

What did you want and not get?
1) A camera and lenses
2) One of our goals and dreams

What was your favorite film of this year?
Netflix movies at home- I know that seems like a cop-out but we rarely have time at home together so that has become our favorite thing. I am not sure I can name one. Iron Man, the Black Knight, James Bond. I think Chris had an influence on these movie choices.

What did you do on your birthday and how old are you?
Wow-28! What a weird thing. I am so close to 30 it is scary. I really thought life would be different at this stage of my life. No regrets but just different. I have a great life. In fact I think it is better than I could have imagined.
Anyway, so my birthday! I had to work and so did Chris. After work we grabbed a quick bite to eat and headed to the Park Ave Christmas Festival. That weekend we drove down to the Seneca Lake to a castle over looking the lake and ate at this really fabulous restaurant, Edgar's at the Belhurst. It was one of the best meals we have ever eaten. Oh! And I bought myself a winter coat that was a great present.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Casual, very casual and comfortable. I work with families in the inner city and in their homes. I play with kids on the floor or outside so I need and want to be comfortable and able to play as much as possible.

What kept you sane?
1) Chris
2) Church callings and service. There were many activities but through the trials and hard times these callings kept both Chris and I focused on what is truly important and what really matters.
3) Blogging-gives me time to reflect on life and what we have done and could do better.

4) Painting, sewing and creating.

I do not believe that any man lives up to his ideals, but if we are striving, if we are working, if we are trying, to the best of our ability, to improve day by day, then we are in the line of our duty. If we are seeking to remedy our own defects, if we are so living that we can ask God for light, for knowledge, for intelligence, and above all, for His Spirit, that we may overcome our weaknesses, then, I can tell you, we are in the straight and narrow path that leads to life eternal. Then we need have no fear.- Heber J. Grant (April 1909)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

simply me

100 things about me...

I thought this was a great idea that I got from another blog. I really enjoyed doing this. I think everyone should do it! It is a great way to learn bits and pieces about each other. Thank you for your inspiration.

1. I have a hard time making decisions
2. I have to sleep with a fan on no matter what time of the year it is
3. I love shopping and the thrill of buying something new
4. I have chocolate every day
5. I love fabric even if I have nothing to make with it
6. I lack self confidence
7. I care what other people think
8. I am trying to teach myself to play the piano
9. I try to live my life without regrets
10. I want to travel the world
11. I hate being late HATE
12. I desperately want to be a mother
13. I enjoy any occasion to get dressed up
14. I can talk to my husband for hours and hours
15. I would love to get some kind of graduate degree or be in school forever if I could afford it. The problem is I cannot choose only one area. Art, OT, MFT, photography, medicine, human development
16. I love to be organized
17. I need to be creative for my sanity
18. I want to be understood and heard
19. I love getting homemade gifts
20. I have two favorite colors; red and black
21. I have a hard time forgiving myself
22. I would have a hard time without my religion
23. I love wildflowers
24. I enjoy working out but have a hard time finding time for it
25. I enjoy being in a small group just talking
26. I have several junk drawers and piles of papers under my bed
27. I am obsessed with smells and have candles and wall flowers all over the house
28. I am very self conscience about my appearance
29. I am really bad at keeping house plants alive
30. I could eat ice cream everyday
31. I love photography but cannot afford a great lens…yet!
32. I love child’s books
33. I love chips and French fries
34. I enjoy watching movies
35. My love languages are acts of service and small touches
36. I love high heels and dress shoes
37. I have no musical talents and wish I did
38. Fall is my favorite time of year
39. My mission was the best and worst experience of my life
40. I feel inspired when I think of families and others
41. I want to do philanthropy work the rest of my life
42. I love plays and musicals
43. I wish I could be more easy going
44. I am not a morning person but like getting up and going
45. I am obsessed with lotion and put it on several times a day
46. I worry
47. I love my calling but feel highly unqualified and stretched beyond my comfort
48. I love hydrangeas
49. Sometimes people think I am snobby but I am actually really shy when I feel uncomfortable or meet new people
50. I want to serve a mission with my husband
51. I am very stubborn
52. I love music and it can change my mood
53. I love my job and work hard to be better at it
54. I wish I could see my gifts and talents
55. I am an artist, watercolors are my favorite
56. I love books
57. I enjoy cooking and grocery shopping with my husband
58. I love looking through magazines
59. I want to be an interior designer
60. I love learner new things
61. I like being alone
62. I take bubble baths almost every day
63. I wish I was better at communicating
64. I want to serve in the temple again
65. I know what I like
66. I am never satisfied with where I am
67. I make lists of things I want to do and have to do
68. I enjoy checking things off that list
69. I want to adopt
70. I love the smell of the earth after it rains
71. I have a good life
72. I am hyper aware of my flaws
73. I am fascinated with art and history
74. I have become a home body and did not used to be
75. I enjoy getting mail even emails
76. I like blogging so I can reflect on the aspects of my life and feel like I am recording them
77. I love being inspired
78. I love our quirky little branch
79. I watch stupid tv shows and enjoy it
80. I feel renewed after being out of doors
81. I hate washing dishes
82. I love shopping online
83. I hate money and wish I did not have to worry about it
84. I like working on my own
85. I used to be a dancer
86. I do not have a best friend
87. I get really nervous when I have to speak in public
88. I love fashion but am not good at dressing myself
89. I feel very blessed
90. I cry on a monthly basis
91. I enjoy learning about new cultures
92. I make new goals every year
93. I am really bad at math
94. I have lived in Utah, Wyoming, Alabama and NY
95. I love Italy and could live there (if only I knew Italian)
96. I enjoy silence
97. I love the YW program and know I need to be there a second time to learn what I did not the first time
98. I was always embarrassed to sing out loud until I met Chris
99. I have learned so much about myself being married
100. I feel so grateful for the life and husband that I have