dear sleep
can you just take over don't you know how tired i am and my tired eyes need to go to bed at a decent hour and stay there...dear autumn
i love you with all your colors, flavors and chill...i wish you could last forever
dear frc
i am grateful for you with every crazy situation, person and challenge that you give me...i love you for giving me the chance to grow, learn and change
dear chriser
how sweet you are to me, i will try to be more selfless and kind to you as you have been to me, you teach me so much and loved me even more. thank you
dear travel
you are calling my name please take me somewhere soon
dear YW
oh how i love you...if you only knew how important you are and how much you are loved by so many
dear to do list
could you get any bigger you are overwhelming and keeping me up late at night
and dear life
can you fill me in on the details to come....i like to plan for the future... i am grateful for your blessings, peace and goodness but please let me know what is ahead
can you just take over don't you know how tired i am and my tired eyes need to go to bed at a decent hour and stay there...dear autumn
i love you with all your colors, flavors and chill...i wish you could last forever
dear frc
i am grateful for you with every crazy situation, person and challenge that you give me...i love you for giving me the chance to grow, learn and change
dear chriser
how sweet you are to me, i will try to be more selfless and kind to you as you have been to me, you teach me so much and loved me even more. thank you
dear travel
you are calling my name please take me somewhere soon
dear YW
oh how i love you...if you only knew how important you are and how much you are loved by so many
dear to do list
could you get any bigger you are overwhelming and keeping me up late at night
and dear life
can you fill me in on the details to come....i like to plan for the future... i am grateful for your blessings, peace and goodness but please let me know what is ahead