Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i wish that i could take credit

This baby is beautiful and I wish that I could say it was because of either one of us!! Chris is training him up right away to love all kinds of games. Just check out those jammies!


This year for the YW Broadcast we tied several quilts to send to the disaster relief efforts well really all over the world now. It was a great broadcast for all of us and I loved the messages. Check out the full text! Especially Uchtdorf's My happily ever after talk! Amazing and exactly what i needed to hear.


Friday, March 26, 2010



"As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (namely, God is our Father, and we are his children), then at once prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part (Matt. 7: 7-11).

Prayer is the act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them. Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them. Prayer is a form of work, and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings.

Many prayers remain unanswered because they are not in Christ’s name at all; they in no way represent his mind, but spring out of the selfishness of man’s heart."

~Bible Dictionary, prayer

I love this section of the BD. It helps me to think about prayer in such a simple and real way. I have to be honest though I am struggling with this idea that prayer secures blessings but that we have to work to align our will with our Father in Heaven's. And maybe it is not that I do not understand or struggle with it but simply that I might not like the answer or the outcome.

I do have a relationship with my Father in Heaven. I always thought a good one. But when it comes to the situation that we are in right now I am nervous and scared that the answer might be that this baby will not stay with us. And I am not sure how we will live with that. I trust him as my Father that he would only give us good things-this baby included. But is it my selfish heart that wants this baby or is it the will of the Lord that we keep him?

We choose now to have faith in whatever the outcome might be. And live day to day enjoying the blessing and gift this baby is in our lives.

hands + feet



It is amazing to me how much this little guy changes everyday. I am trying to take it all in and enjoy it.



When I went to get capo yesterday morning this is what he was doing!! It makes me laugh.
Just turn the sound down...my voice is really annoying. It will take me some time to get used to the Flip and videos. This makes me laugh so hard!

new trick

poor baby cut his noise so bad it bleed yesterday...he is getting more control and will figure it out soon.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

oh yes OHIO...

We went to see Jessie and the girls while Eric was away.
It was a much needed get away and we enjoyed every minute of the tickles, book reading, help with feedings, princess board games, kisses,"sometimes babies just do!" and overall loves from the cousins.
Maya was the best with him and just sat, pointed and laughed...babe!
We went shopping, out to eat, to this amazingly huge store with every kind of anything in it, we played at the park, went to church and even picked out a really cute little puppy for the girls....walked on the purple people bridge and finally Chris and I tried to find the things that we like in IKEA (that store is just huge!)
So fun!! We look forward to the next visit. It better be soon because these guys finish their graduate work in June. So sad!
Penelope was such a "helper" with him. She is so funny! It is princess everything and pretend play everyday.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

i am missing serving here

but enjoyed a trip with the youth this week!

these eyelashes


Sorry I just cannot get enough of Capo's eyelashes!



We have decided he must be a Packer after all...just check out the open mouth sleep! That is classic packer boys....

he is a really good sleeper! so cute.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i am sorry.....

next week you have to get an upper GI test through your nose!!

no fun....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

my boys...

Happy Birthday!

This week we celebrated two things. Chris' 32nd birthday!! and that baby capo is two months and has been with us a month already. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because of my sweet husband. Our relationship is real and easy and I am grateful everyday for him in my life.

Chris is the best husband and father

He loves uncondintionally
He has unshaken faith
He's athletic and loves sports
He's a fly fisherman
He loves carmel cheesecake and any kind of yummy cheese
He loves all things Italian

He is so handsome
He has a way of making others feel accepted and comfortable
He is talented
He is a nerd
He loves to be silly and goofy
He loves to travel
He is really good at speaking other languages
He loves music and all kinds
He has a beautiful singing voice
He makes me feel calm and confident
He is so kind, caring, thoughtful and generous
He is hard working
He is always helping around the house-laundry, dishes everything
He loves to camp, hike and explore
He is willing to try new things even the things I like; quilting and crafts
He's an avid reader and can finish a book in a day
He's a food snob especially pasta
He's a writer
He makes me a better person
He encourages others to be their best
He is my best friend
He's a home body
He motivates and supports me to be my best
He is not afraid to take risks
He is inspiring
He is willing to help anyone, anytime
He drops everything if I need him
He loves the Lord
He is my everything and I thank God daily that he is mine forever!

Happy Birthday Chriser. I love you.

The peanut and I meet Chris at his office with mexican food to celebrate. That night Chris had a b-ball game so we tagged along to cheer him on. The party continued really through the weekend with buffalo wings and a movie as well as yummy cheesecake!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2 months

Say What???
I love this picture...he has so many expressions right now and we laugh so hard. This is a great one.

9 lbs 6 oz.

Yeah! the boyo is finally into the 10th % of his weight class. And I won the bet on how much he would weigh. He is getting there. He got his two month shots today as well and has done ok throughout the rest of the day.

I know more pictures of the baby and more weights. Ah! We are still doing other things but really enjoying this part of our lives right now. Plus pictures of him are so much cuter.
He is just so happy all the time. We are loving how much he laughs, giggles and loves to sing back to Chris. Such a great kid.

Monday, March 8, 2010



I mean it just kills me to look at this picture.

We live just up the street from the cutest little town library. The last few days the sun has been out and the temperature in the 40's yeah! So we have walked to the library and back several times. We both love to read but we also got some books for the baby who seems to love especially his book from grandma.
and we love our cute bag that is perfect for carrying library books~thanks jessie!!



Friday night we asked a friend to watch capo so we could attend the temple for another friend's endowment. It was so nice to get out together but this was something we had never really thought about before. What do you tell a babysitter, what kinds of things do you need to leave for them. We did not even know what to really tell her. Capo is such an easy baby and it was just a few hours. We knew they would be fine.
We got home later than we had told her because we stopped to help someone with her dead battery at 10:00pm and than ran into Walmart for some cough syrup. When we got home and said thank you etc. it was midnight. We went to change the little guy one more time and saw that some how she had squeezed him into a newborn outfit that his grandma had sent him. He fit into it when he first came but a 1 lb and half later. AH! It is the tiniest little thing and so cute. But how in the world did she get that one on him!
I guess we should have left some PJ's out. note to self next time.
It got even better when at the 4:00am feeding and diaper change -he had a big one and I had to change everything!! I could not for the lift of me get it off! Love it. (you can see how short the sleeves are on his arms)....i laughed so hard.

I thought I loved you then

I remember, trying not to laugh too hard the night that I first met you. I was so surprised!
And then one day later, in your blue car driving home saying I would never sing, hand in hand.
I hadn't told you yet but I thought I loved you then.
And now you're my whole life. Now you're my whole world. I just can't believe the way I feel about you, Chris. Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day. And I thought I loved you then.

And I remember, waiting for you in my white dress. You had me mesmorized. They told us there'd be tough times, but I didn't care. We promised forever right then and there, I thought I loved you then.
And now you're my whole life. Now you're my whole world. I just can't believe the way I feel about you, Chris. Like a river meets the sea, stronger than it's ever been. We've come so far since that day. And I thought I loved you then.
I can just see you, with our baby in your arms. And I can just see you, without your hair and belly round. What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more. But I've said that before.


And now you're my whole life. Now you're my whole world. I just can't believe the way I feel about you, Chris. We'll look back someday, at this moment that we're in. And I'll look at you and say……And I thought I loved you then. And I thought I loved you then.

~really 6 + years since we first met
Happy Anniversary chriser. I love you!

I love that we have done so many different things for our anniversaries. Trips, dinners, temple dates and so many others. This year is one that I will never forget. It shows how life has changed and drastically in a good way. We rented a movie, ordered take-out, picked up the yummiest carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese icing and hung out in our PJ's. We took a nap and took a walk with the baby! It was exactly the way we wanted to spend time together. And it might be my favorite to date.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

chubba, chubba

8 lbs 10 oz in two weeks!!

He is quickly growing out of his newborn outfits which is great since he will be 2 months next week!

This kid is just growing like crazy and we are loving it.

Visits with mom have gotten easier as she has gotten to know us and we have them scheduled and into our routine. Capo is sleeping through the night. Thank goodness. I love my sleep. And we just die every day that he smiles, giggles, holds his head up better and is starting to roll to one side.
I bought chris a little baby ball with bright colors and they are loving it!

In all the years of planning to start our family neither one of us dreamed that it would be this way with this little guy. No complaints though. I would have it no other way. Chris is a great daddy and works so hard for baby and I.
how cute are they together! He loves his daddy.