What a busy baby this kid is...and I cannot believe he is 9 months. He just continues everyday to do more and grow. We love him so much and are so grateful he is in our home. We really take and enjoy every moment. It gives us a good perspective!
one of his favorite things is bathtime with bubbles and toys!
crawling really fast and all over
he has begun to climb up on things
He pulls up on furniture and can walk along couches and chairs
he is really strong!
we see a really stubborn side of his personality as well
he chews on everything; 2 bottom teeth have appeared!
he loves, loves books and music
he giggles in front of a mirror and will sit for minutes in front just smiling and reaching
he loves wooden toys especially this stack able one with circles-mostly because he chews on it
he cries when you leave him alone and does not like strangers
he have several instruments that he enjoys and classical music will calm him down
he is eating more and more each day! still not holding his bottle or drinking from a sippy cup but he loves to eat any kind of baby food.
his smile is infectious and his laugh even more so!!
visits with bio mom have been very regularly lately and the goal is reunification but there is so much that has to happen or that could happen between now and then. We are living life and moving forward trusting in the Lord to watch over all of us. It has been very difficult with court, lawyers and visits with mom 4 times a week now including Saturdays.
We look forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and especially Christmas. We will be here since we cannot go any where with Capo's schedule but are excited to have a quiet Christmas at home.