I could not think of a title for all the pictures and stories of late so happenings....sounds good.
He will be 2 in January and every day we are surprised by what he does and says! lately we do a lot swimming in the tub since his swim class ended. He counted to 10 with Chris the other night going back and forth, back and forth. Some times I will hear him singing to himself while he plays, you can only pick out parts of songs like ABC, snowman or halloween-favorites lately.
He can now climb anything and loves to do it. It kills me every time he pulls the piano bench out by himself and is up there in a second, poking at the keys. He giggles, sings and some times even stands up to dance! Not only does he climb onto the dinning room chairs in a second but the table and then he reaches the light but he can also balance on the back of them. Which makes me crazy nervous he is going to push or pull it over on top of him-again!
Our neighbors have this huge blowup snowman in their front yard with candy canes, snowflake lights and all sorts of fun festive decorations. As soon as he gets home or it is evening he begs/yells to see that snowman! He sits in the window and just talks and sings to him.
This is such a great time of year to have a toddler. He is excited and animated about everything we see and do. It is really fun. We have several Christmas books, some about Jesus and a few about Santa and frosty the snowman. His favorite this week has been the Polar Express! Which is one of my favorites too. He will yell, "All aboard! choo, choo, Santa and elves throughout the book. We read it probably 8-10 times a day!
I have decided he will only be 2 for one Christmas so he can be sticky with candy canes and he can play with the xmas tree ornaments and other decorations because we did not put anything out that he could not break. We even found a plastic little people nativity that he can play with and he loves it. He kisses baby Jesus and mommy Mary. It is really cute.
In other news we had court about 2 weeks ago and not much happened except to announce that the surrender paperwork was not written and they would need more time. So December 21st. Ah! We have decided to hire an attorney to help with the wording of this document and make sure it is something we can all agree upon. But we do not have very high hopes that it will be written and signed on that date. I guess it is possible but not likely. It is a very interesting process but we are moving in that direction. Yeah! Huge blessing and we are thrilled.
We have a great amount of gratitude to Baby K's biomom and have seen how much love our father in heaven has for her throughout this whole process. It is also very interesting to see pieces of how His plan is unfolding. And we are reminded yet again (you'd think we'd have learned) that we are not in control and He does have a plan for each one of us. Trust, follow and submit.