Tuesday, August 12, 2008

something more than white


So we finally finished the painting project in the living room. Yeah no more white walls every where at least in the living room. It feels great to make this house our home! Thanks mom & tina we could not have done it without you. I am not sure the picture does it justice but we love it!

New Projects!

We had this tiny table place behine the couch when you walk into the living room it looked ridiculous because it was too small. Monday night for FHE we spent the night shopping for a new table and could not find one without glass and the things we liked. Tuesday Chris emails with this one listed on Craig's List. You have to love that site. He was so excited about it he went on his lunch break to see it and bought it on the spot. It was definetly in our budget. Way to go honey!


We could not agree on what should be on the mantle! It seems like an easy thing to do right. No! It has taken us days of rearranging and several shopping trips for me. I am not complaining though. I think we are ok with this for now. I am sure we will continue to change and add to it.


Amy Bartlett said...

It is georgoeous Lis! It all ties together with the rug and all. You have always been good at decor. Looks great! ~Amy

Eric and Jessi said...

When/if we ever get a house I know who I'm calling to come decorate, it looks great!