Saturday, September 20, 2008

raise and shout the cougars are out...

Go BYU! Well not really it was such a horrible game to watch and not just because Chris was a sore loser. But come on 44 to 0 yes ZERO. That is not a game. Poor Pokes.

We did have a good time though. We do not have fancy cable so the Mountain West is not an option. We heard that there was a sports bar that was playing mountain west games but last week we got an invite to watch with the site & temple missionaries at the hill cumorah. They had paid for the cable to be able to watch BYU games. It is in the basement of the visitors center on a little TV. We were looking forward to UW vs BYU game. We even had a little wager between Chris & I but the game itself was so sad that I cannot hold Chris to cleaning the bathroom for the next month or rubbing my feet every night for a week. The missionaries all brought great food and we enjoyed the company. Thanks guys!!

I love this picture it looks like we are in a cave! It was a very funny experience and at this point Chris was still smiling! It was horrible game. You can just barely see the tiny TV we were all huddled around.

"There is always next year!" ~chris

1 comment:

D.B. said...

It was sad, I don't care to really discuss it. Even on 'The Mountain' it was sad, they basically quit covering the game after half time and just interviewed Luvell, Ty, etc. I would have been fine if it ended after the first 3 or 4 plays.