Sunday, May 17, 2009

and it begins....

this weekend in fact! a simple kitchen update.

we have the ugliest kitchen there is...with a flower stencil, brown cabinets and yes-carpet. we love making this our first home our own. and a few things have to go....
some things we are not going to change right now but just to be able to live with this kitchen we have finally agreed upon the following.

YES! that is two (not just one roll) of wallpaper...I totally won. after a year in the house i broke chris down and we found a red and off white toile that chris can stand...yeah!!!

the fabric is april cornell and i have carried that little fat quarter for months trying to work it into one room or another so it will most likely be window treatments and perhaps seat cushions unless we find a coordinating pattern.
the paint is netural but the walls will be a little darker than the cabinets. I hope that it all works out like we want.


Jodie said...

Love, Love, Love it!!!

Blue Skies said...

That looks really cute, Lisa!

The South Family said...

I can't wait to see it finished!

Becky said...

love the colors!