I cannot believe that Baby K is 16 months this week. We are celebrating everything little thing but he is doing so many new things each day that it is hard to keep up.
He gives the best squeeze hugs ever! When daddy lays on the floor bobo will walk right over and give him hugs, kisses and pull up his shirt (he likes to play with daddy's hair)
Today he said a million times-"caar" in the window, he has stickers with cars, books over and over again. Some of his other new words are-yucky, ball, duck and many, many baby signs; all done, milk, thank you and bird!
He waves bye, bye, does the actions to popcorn popping, monkeys jumping on the bed, and twinkle, twinkle little star. Music is his favorite.
It is really fun to see his little personality get bigger and bigger. He loves games like peekaboo and chase me. He is very social and LOVES other children.
His hair just keeps growing and getting curlier. We are not going to cut it just yet.
We love his excited face! Ohhh!! cars, animals, babies he makes the best face.
His play has changed a lot since now he is practically running! All he wants to do is walk from room to room, pick up toys and have you chase him. And he will bring his favorite books to you. We love to sit with him and read a book together. Sometimes he will sit still for this others he will walk turn the page, move onto something else and then come back to turn the page again. Really cute.
We have spent more time outside now that spring is somewhat here but he hates to sit in the grass and really hates it when he has shorts on.
He is such a good eater. olives, goat cheese, sausage-he will eat anything.
He is a great sleeper and are so grateful for that!
Visits right now are twice a week now and that makes for an easy schedule. We are loving it! He is our sweet, busy and active boy who brings joy and love into our home and lives. We are grateful to be parents to him right now.