We had the best trip on Saturday! Krystal and Jared called to say they were traveling to Niagara Falls; we are only an hour away. So we drove up for the day. It was sooo fun to see them and get away for a day.
We drove up to Niagara on the Lake which is the this quaint little Canadian town outside of the craziness of the falls. We shopped, ate lunch, laughed, bowled and chatted about life and the past! It was really so fun! I wish they lived closer to us but DC is not that far away. We will need to make a trip down this spring. It made my week.
So in honor of Krystal and reminiscing about the BYU days here are a few highlights from the past.....
We had some really great times skiing up in the canyons, BYU football games, early morning kick boxing classes and tanning! Trips to Lander, pinching co-ed's bottoms (that is right-guys rear ends) We were always laughing. I love it!
Don't we look the same....(well krystal does anyway)

I met Krystal our freshman year while living at DT. She is the most dependable, loyal friend I have ever had. She has been there for me through many things in my life and is always positive, always happy and always uplifting and serving others. She is a great friend and a great example! I am a better person because of her. It was wonderful to see her and her cute hubbie Jared.
Thanks for a fabulous day!