Sunday, November 16, 2008

YW in Excellence

This has been a really busy week. We were still playing catch up from being sick last week. Work was really crazy and then we had the last minute details of YW in Excellence.

Friday night I found myself doing this...

Making 100 high heel shaped sugar cookies. Yes 100! It took me four and half hours. Ah! They turned out really cute though and totally worth it.

Our program was called The worth of SOLES is great in the sight of God." And we focused on the individual qualities of each YW. That also took every spare moment we made a slide show of all the YW sporting their favorite shoes. It was really funny what pictures came up and what they wrote about each of them. So cute as well.

like these are one of the YM's legs and shoes but sam turned it in as hers with a write up about what makes her unique. Others took pictures of track shoes, dance shoes, bare feet. They were all really different but really fun.
We found these cute little charms online and gave them out with a tag to remember the worth of your soul. They were really cute!
I was really disappointed I forgot my camera in all the chaos that morning because the decorations and the setup just turned out so cute! Thanks everyone for all your hard work!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I had such a good time at YW in Excellence. Thank you for the very cute shoes and all of the time you put in to make it amazing!
