Friday, August 17, 2012

stay at home

I am a full time stay at home mom! And I will be honest the first few months were really difficult and we are all still adjusting. I do much better when I have a busy schedule and I enjoy being out and about. But baby K needs a schedule as balance right. I am excited for new opportunities and we will see what new adventures come our way. I love having time to discover new areas and adventures. Carrying 30 lbs is a good workout no matter where we go! So onward.....


Yvette said...

Congrats! It is a whole different world, isn't it? But a really wonderful one.

Daisy said...

Congratulations, Lisa! That's wonderful. I understand the need for a schedule. This summer with the girls I've realized it more than ever. Next summer I plan to do better. Another friend and I are planning at least two days a week for free outings to splash pads or the library.